An important part of the project is a continuous promotion and publishing of partial results. Czech as well as Norwegian parts of the team are trying to inform professionals as well as general public about the nature of the project, what have we done and what we are planning. This project, which so far has no precedence in the Czech Republic, could become the first of a series of projects and inspiration for other institutions also thanks to the promotion.
If you are interested in our project and would like to write about it, please contact our project manager Jana Rumanová (
Banned books reveal new secrets (The EEA and Norway grants, 13. července 2017)
Projekt Knihy znovu nalezené (E-zpravodaj Národní knihovny, str. 3, červenec, srpen 2016 )
Reportáž Knihy znovu nalezené (Praha TV, Milan Schmidt, 24. května 2016 )
Knihy zabavené nacisty (Události, Česká televize, 8. dubna 2016)
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Reportáž v Televizních novinách na Nově, 23. března 2016
Heinrich Himmler's stash of books on witchcraft is discovered in Czech library after being hidden for 50 years (Allan Hall, Ben Tufft, Daily Mail online, 18. března 2016)
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Nazi chief's occult book stash found (, 18. března 2016)
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Čarodějnické knihy, které ukradl nacista Himmler v Norsku, byly nalezeny nedávno u Prahy (Daniel Baret,, 17. března 2016)
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Litteraturen som skremte nazistene (Gro Kvanvig, Agderposten, 4. 12. 2015)
Národní knihovna zkoumá původ tisíců konfiskovaných knih (; 20. června 2015)
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Národní knihovna zkoumá původ tisíců konfiskovaných knih (; 20. června 2015, Zdeňka Kuchyňová)
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Národní knihovna zkoumá původ tisíců konfiskovaných knih (; 20. června 2015)
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Knihy znovu nalezené (e-zpravodaj Národní knihovny ČR; str. 2)
Knihy znovu nalezené (Web Národní knihovny ČR; 21. dubna 2015)
The project Books Discovered Once Again is a unique project, which, thanks to its concept, allows the joining of routine library activities with interdisciplinary research and the presentation of cultural heritage. This approach is not very common in our environment. This is why we consider it important to introduce this project not only to the professional public, but also to university students of the humanities, who may find this information helpful in their studies; it can open for them further opportunities to use their knowledge in the area of new trends in the presentation of cultural heritage.
We cordially invite you to the presentation of the project, which will be held in different places at Czech republic, Norway, Paris or in Wien.