The project Books Discovered Once Again was presented at the final conference of Programme CZ06, “Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Art”

Published on 1 July 2017

On Wednesday 21 July 2017, the final conference of the Programme CZ06 – “Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Art” - took place in Prague. This is the programme thanks to which the restoration of Czech cultural heritage and various live-art projects could be realized within the last three years.

The final conference concluded the realization of the entire Programme, which had supported 58 projects for over half a billion crowns. On this occasion, the representatives of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Culture, the Arts Council Norway and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway met in Prague in the newly reconstructed Museum of Decorative Arts, together with grant recipients and their Norwegian partners, to summarize and evaluate the results of their three-year effort. Experiences from the implementation of projects and recommendations for the preparation of the next period of EEA projects in the Czech Republic were discussed.

The project Books Discovered Once Again was selected as one of the most successful subsidised projects, to be presented to other project implementers. The presentation was given by the principal project implementer, Tomáš Foltýn, from the National Library of the Czech Republic. Other project presentations can be found at the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic.

Photography: Suzana Jovaševićová (Ministery of the Finance CZ)

Prezentace projektu Knihy znovu nalezené - Ministerstvo financí ČR from Books Discovered Once Again

Tomáš Foltýn se připravuje na vystoupení
Publikum na konferenci
Prezentace Tomáše Foltýna